The Physical Cosmos
Refer to My Related You-Tubes below.
02 - (3370) 2-The macrocosmic perspective-2.wmv - YouTube.
This is my second video.
The large-structure of the universe has so much to offer in terms of understanding
our nature, beliefs, thinking, feelings, behavior and actions as well as our
relationship with our environment and each other. Here's one view of
humanity from the perspective of the large Cosmos. It could be relevant
and meaningful to us, regardless of our field of
academic discipline and specialization.
03 - (3370) 3-Before the big bang-3.wmv - YouTube.
This is my 3rd video.
What caused the big bang? What was before the big bang? Whatever really lies
beyond the big bang, what has all this got to do with our beliefs, behavior,
and future, as well as our life and lifestyle.
04 - (3370) 4-The microcosmic perspective-4.wmv - YouTube.
This is my 4th video.
The world of the microcosmos is the atomic world, the world of the electrons, protons,
neutrons, quarks, leptons, and strings engaged in a dynamic and continuing
transformation of energy and particles.
Planetary Shift
June 27, 2023
Humanity is undergoing a shift in consciousness that is going in three different directions. As a result, Earth is also experiencing a grand planetary split that, in turn, impacts on all the planets, stars, and galaxies of the entire Cosmos.
We are the prime movers of the entire process of the world’s cosmic evolutionary journey and others out there in another space-time dimension are watching us in awe on how we have been able to do this. Amazed by our courage and bravery, they are willing to extend their help to us.
Some of us are ascending to the higher planetary realm, others descending into the lower realm. Many still remain stagnant on the same realm, satisfied just to maintain their present state of living, lifestyle, and mindset. Each of these realms is being watched and guided by both benevolent and malevolent forces out there.
Each of us is already riding in one of these planetary shifts. The kind of life we live in the past have led us to who and where we are now and it has been our choice to continue moving on along our chosen path. We have the power to either enhance our planetary ascend or journey towards our self-destruction.
It’s all in our hands. It has been our decision to choose which of the three planes of life and existence we wanted to be. We can still make up our minds should we decide to change or abandon the spaceship we are riding on at the moment.
But should we opt to go up higher in the ladder, we have to increase our level of vibration and energy so we can align ourselves with the frequency of the higher planetary system, otherwise we will be left behind.
There's a shadow lurking in our universe
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D. – November 28, 2021
Cosmologists and astrophysicists discovered that 25% of the Cosmos is made of mysterious particles known as dark matter and 70% of a mysterious form of energy called dark energy. Together, these two dark elements constitute 95% of the entire Cosmos and are referred to as the "shadow universe".
The shadow universe exists from another dimension, inhabited by shadow people who we sometimes see as a vision or apparition. Shadow people are real. They are extraterrestrial beings or entities, we see usually as ghosts, angels, guardians, or other forms of spirits.
What quantum physicists are saying is that the Cosmos is an ocean of shadow universes appearing like bubbles of different sizes and masses that are able to transcend time and space. They are so subtle that they could be passing through us, with some preferring to remain with us, influencing our thoughts and feelings as well as our dealings with others and society.
The presence of various entities in us could either be uplifting or discouraging, creative or destructive, heavenly or hellish, good or bad depending on whether it's the shadow entities or light beings regulating our lives.
Watch out. For you might not be aware of who's directing your life.
Multi-verse or Uni-verse? What's your take?
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.DD. – January 3, 2021
Theories about the universe are primarily propounded by science and religion. The fact that they differ in their interpretations only suggests that there could indeed be so many universes out there.
And these theories are no longer speculations because some of us have already gone to the other realms beyond ours and back, even as those coming from the other world out there have already come down to tell us about what life is all about beyond our world.
The interpretations of both science and religion are providentially parallel. The only difference is in their approach. Religion explains its "world beyond" from the perspective of metaphysics, which, it maintains, is populated by spirits, souls, heaven, hell, purgatory, God, gods, goddesses, and demons, encapsulated in the term "afterlife".
Science explains its "world beyond" starting from ground zero, i.e., from the perspective of quantum physics, a world governed by time, space, matter, energy, and the four forces of nature (gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear forces).
But beyond our 4-D world, science says that our Cosmos, according to String theory and its derivative M theory, can still accommodate 11 more dimensions. In fact, astrophysicists and cosmologists even maintain that there could be an infinite number of universes beyond our world.
Stephen Hawking describes our Cosmos as bubbles floating in an ocean of universes, in which case, he says: "We are all time travelers journeying together into the future." The term "us" could be an invitation for Churches, mosques, and temples as well as deists and atheists to join science in its adventure into the world beyond.
I have also introduced in my books the idea that our Cosmos is four-dimensional, consisting of physical, mental, psychical, and Consciousness realms. This four-tiered categorization ingeniously puts the views of science and religion about the"world beyond" in one conceptual model as parts of one integral unit or system.
Could these three interpretations signify that we're living in a multi-verse or uni-verse? Your take now.
Seven Days of Creation
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.
March 22, 2022
With so many things drowning our finite minds, let’s recall our beginnings once more when there was yet total silence.
I conceptualize the creation story into seven moments paralleling the seven days of creation account in the Judeo-Christian tradition.
[Lifted from my book “Our Cosmic Origins“ (2017)]
The First Moment
In the beginning, there was nothing.
No space, no time, no matter, no movement.
No laws to regulate behavior and activity.
Only darkness and emptiness prevailed.
There were no forms, no structures.
No diversities, no complexities, no multiplicities.
No separation, no distinction, no differentiation.
Only oneness—the singularity
The Second Moment
Then, the singularity erupted in a fiery explosion.
Quarks, leptons, strings, and primal laws emerged.
Chaos, confusion swarmed in all directions across space and time.
Fledgling creatures annihilating and killing each other.
Then, when the nascent Cosmos cooled down,
Tiny elements of similar frequency and vibration coalesced,
Forming the first neutrons, protons, and electrons.
Giving birth to the first primeval atoms.
The Third Moment
Electrons jumped outside their orbital stations giving off sparks of light.
Darkness gave way to Light.
Hydrogen and helium gas were produced by the primeval atoms,
Forming billions of nebulae, stars and galaxies in the heavens above.
From the microscopic, the macrocosmic realm appeared.
Networks of huge galaxies with billions of light years in diameter emerged.
Circling around each other, to merge or annihilate each other.
Star explosions, or supernovae, occurred spewing out elements that created several solar systems and planets.
The Fourth Moment
Eleven huge cosmic structures appeared in our Solar System.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
Spinning on their axis in varying directions, they circle the Sun,
Regulated by the laws of gravity, electromagnetism as well as
the strong and nuclear forces.
A twelfth planet mysteriously appeared, discovered due to its strong gravitational effects.
Codenamed Planet X by science and Nibiru
by ancient Sumerian beliefs,
Appearing only in our Solar System every 3,100 years.
Its appearance heralded as significant, having seeded life on Earth.
The Fifth Moment
Air, fire, earth, and water produced by atoms formed the Earth's atmosphere.
Ozone layer as well through the combination of three hydrogen atoms (O3).
A biosphere enveloped the Earth to protect us from cosmic radiation.
All providing the conditions needed for the birth of life.
The first living cells emerged from the depths of the ocean.
Simple bacteria and cells became more complex.
On land, plants, fish, as well as the birds in the skies appeared.
So with all sorts and forms of grasses, plants, herb-yielding seeds, and fruit-bearing trees.
The Sixth Moment
Cataclysmic cosmic events wiped out life-threatening species.
From the primates, the tree of life gave birth to humanity.
According to its image and likeness, Man emerged, both male and female
To serve and populate every continent, planets, and galaxies.
Cross breeding, genetic engineering, cloning, stem-cell therapies were performed.
So with artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, test-tube babies, and Caesarian operations.
Creating the Hominoids, Hominids, Homo Erectus, Homo Sapiens, Homo Technicus, and, finally, Homo sapiens sapiens and Homo Cosmicus.
The Supreme Creator saw that what It created was good, perfect, and beautiful.
The Seventh Moment
The Creator rested to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of creation.
Joining the celebration were all the invisible extraterrestrial beings.
Together with the angels, archangels, cherubim, saints, and our dead ancestors.
All thanking and worshipping the Supreme Guardian of the Galaxies.
Humanity commemorates this seventh moment periodically in the form of rituals.
Sabbath Day, Passover, Holy Week, Ramadan.
Paying respect, homage, and reverence to the Great Lord of the Cosmos.
Exalting and acknowledging Its name and love.
Why the Gods and Goddesses created us and why is there something instead of nothing simply blow my finite mind. It would have been much simpler had there been nothing at all. There would not have been any kind of nuclear weapons, no-one lording over the people, no wars, no Coronavirus, no corruption, no politicians, no political parties, no Gallup surveys.
But why is there something instead of nothing? Your answer is as good as mine.
Our Physical Cosmos
The physical dimension of our Cosmos is the one visible to us through our naked eyes or telescopes. One glaring feature is what we see in the large-scale dimension or the macro-cosmos. The macro-cosmos is composed of clouds, stars, planets, suns, and moons. Together with other minor celestial bodies, they compose the galaxy. And the entire macro-cosmos houses billions of known galaxies. Our galaxy is known to be only a tiny part of a larger stellar system, the Milky Way, which is populated by around 200 billion stars, one of which is our Sun. Our Planet Earth is one of the nine planets (let’s include Pluto since it is still out there playing a role in the dynamics of our Cosmos) that revolve around our Sun.
Also included in the physical dimension of our Cosmos is the realm of the atom and its sub-atomic particles, which, for brevity's sake, we can call the microcosmos. Although this world is invisible to our naked eyes, it can be seen through the use of modern microscopes. Known also as the microscopic world, this world is also populated by material objects that occupy space and have physical qualities like extension, mass, and electric charge. As we know it today, it is in this realm that the electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks, and leptons reside and operate. An atom is, of course, more than this; it is also an energy, vibrantly traveling as a wave across time and space at varying speeds or velocities in the form of a light wave, sound wave, radio wave, microwave, and the like. But we will explore this realm of the Cosmos later. Suffice it to say, that both the macro and the micro realms are governed by the forces of nature and have been discovered to direct their operations, behavior, and their relationships. These four dominant forces are known to us today: gravity, electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear forces. How they operate is an interesting area to explore in our discussions later.
There is a third realm that can be included in the physical dimension of the Cosmos, and this is the meso-cosmos, the world of life from its early beginnings to the development of our ecology that forms the necessary backdrop for the appearance of plants, insects, animals, and other subhuman species. What role the meso-cosmos plays in the overall picture of the Cosmos is an equally exciting territory to explore in our discussions later.
In summary, I have categorized the physical dimension of the Cosmos into three, viz., the macro-cosmos (or the large-scale cosmos), the micro-cosmos, and the meso-cosmos. All these three categories are accessible to us through our five senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste and through the use of telescopes and microscopes. The events occurring in this realm take place within our four-dimensional world of time and space; it is localized and time-bounded. All these three categorizations are part of the subjects of our cosmic exploration.
The Greek Philosophers’ View
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.
June 15, 2017
It came about because of humanity’s quest for the ultimate reality or the primal source from which everything around us emanates. The physicists are especially concerned about this ultimate foundation of everything. Having known that the atom is at the bottom of the quest, they go further by trying to dissect it and explore if something more basic still comes before the atom. It has become possible to do this today because of the invention of so-called atomic-smashing devices. But even before its invention, laboratory experiments had already been done at the turn of the 20th century.
Thomson was the first to make the pioneering atom incision and his work on cathode rays finally led to the discovery in 1897 of the electron and their subatomic nature, a discovery which practically demolished the idea of Democritus that atoms are indivisible units.[1] Prior to the idea of a primal atom, however, several other theories have been advanced about what this “ultimate building block” of nature or the “beginning of all things” and the “begetter of them all” really is. The proponents of many of these ideas are traceable to the early Greek philosophers. Their exploration into the ultimate beginning of things leads them to uncover not only the nature of the primeval element from which all the things we see around us today emerge, but also the structure as well as the inherent forces, laws, or principles that govern its operations. The early Greek philosophers were, in fact, very much obsessed with studying the primitive element of all things.
Thales (ca. 640-546 B.C.) maintains that the primary stuff of all things is water. He alludes to the fact that the seeds of all things, the principles of life, contain some moisture and wetness that originates only from water. It is this moist that unites all diverse things and keeps all things alive. Anaximander, much younger than Thales, has a different view, asserting that the primary element or material cause of all things indeterminate is “neither water nor any other of the so-called elements, but a nature different from them and infinite, from which arise all the heavens and worlds within them” (quoted in Copleston 1960:41). He speaks of the plurality of co-existent worlds coming into being through eternal motion, continually sifting and sorting the heavier and the lighter elements of Nature that eventually led to the formation and separation of earth, water, atmosphere or air, and fire. Yet, there is unity in diversity.
Anaximenes (570-500 B.C.), younger than Anaximander, consider air as the principle of life from which things come from. As with Thales, he conceives the Earth as a flat disc, this time floating on the air. Anaximenes maintains that “just as our soul, being air, holds us together, so do breath, and air encompass the whole world.” Heraclitus (ca. 535-475 B.C.) is famous for his sayings: “All things are in motion, nothing steadfastly is;” “All things are in a state of flux;” “You cannot step twice into the same river, for fresh waters are ever flowing in upon you.” Yet, all things that come and go are, according to him, a manifestation of “the unity of the One.”
For Heraclitus, who flourished around 504-501, the ultimate reality that explains all the things we see around us is fire. According to him, fire is kept alive by feeding, by consuming, and transforming into itself heterogeneous matter. “Fire … is want and surfeit’—it is, in other words, all things that are, but it is these things in a constant state of tension, of strike, of consuming, of kindling and of going out… [the world] is an ever-living Fire, with measures of it kindling and measures going out” (in Copleston 1960:57-58).
But for Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) aether (from a Greek word for “blazing”), a special substance out of which the luminous heavenly bodies are composed, is considered as the ultimate building block of reality. As he puts it (Plato, 1957b:83):
In the first place, take the thing we now call water. This, when it is compacted, we see (as we imagine) becoming earth and stones, and this same thing, when it is dissolved and dispersed, becomes wind and air; the air becomes fire by being inflamed; and, by a reverse process, fire, when condensed and extinguished, returning once more to the form of air, and air coming together again and condensing as mist and cloud; and from these, as they are yet more closely compacted, flowing water; and from water once more earth and stones: and thus, as it appears, they transmit in a cycle the process of passing into one another.
A century or so later, Empedocles (495-435 B.C.), apparently in an attempt to join together the speculative thoughts of his predecessors, advances the idea that there are four fundamental roots of matter or elements—earth, air, fire, and water—and it is from all this that all the other matters we see around us proceed. Objects appear through the combination and mingling of these four elements. Empedocles believes in the forces that bring all the four basic elements—earth, water, air, and fire—together in a cyclical process of attraction (love, harmony, unity) and repulsion (hate, discord, separation).
Anaxagoras (b. 500 B.C.), on the other hand, argues that in the beginning “All things were together, infinite both in number and in smallness; for the small too was infinite. And, when all things were together, none of them could be distinguished for their smallness. . . . All things are in the whole” (Copleston 1960:85). Objects come to appear when one or some kind of the ultimate particle predominates more than the other. Anaxagoras believes that the principle or force that is responsible for the formation of things is the Mind or Nous. He considers the Nous as the creator of all things and “the thinnest of all things.” Being the primary and fundamental reality, it is present in all living things. Here, I quote Anaxagoras at length because of its relevance to today’s scientific discoveries (as quoted in Copleston 1960:86, 87):
“Nous has the power over all things that have life, both greater and smaller. And Nous had power over the whole revolution so that it began to revolve at the start. . . . And Nous set in order all things that were to be, and all things that were and are now and that will be, and this revolution in which now revolve the stars and the sun and the moon and the air and the aether which are separated off. And the revolution itself caused the separating off, and the dense is separated off from the rare, the warm from the cold, the bright from the dark, and the dry from the moist. And there are many portions in many things. But nothing is altogether separated from anything else except Nous. And all Nous is alike, both the greater and the smaller; but nothing else is like anything else, but every single thing is and was most manifestly those things of which there are most in it.”
The early Greek philosophers explain the ultimate origin of all things in terms of material elements. But they do not arrive at their conclusions through a scientific, experimental approach, but simply by means of speculative reasons and metaphysical intuition. Nonetheless, unlike their many other contemporaries during that time, they are not driven by myths legends, or fables. Today, of course, we know that all their conjectures about the ultimate nature of reality are wrong. More importantly, they fail to satisfactorily explain how the objects we see above us—planets, sun, moons, stars, galaxies—and around us—microorganisms, plants, insects, and animals—come into being. They fail to explain such natural phenomena as earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, the cyclical season of our weather, and the like. But the early Greek philosophers, other than exploring the ultimate beginning of things, make another contribution by teaching us that within this ultimate material element are forces, laws, or principles that govern the operations and behavior of the Cosmos and all living things, including Man.
The resulting knowledge is that the fundamental reality consists of both physical or visible and non-physical, in the sense of being invisible (also, forces, principles, or laws) that are not only responsible for the appearance of things, but, more importantly, guide the relationships and behavior of the appearing objects. Thus, one can say that it was during the times of the Greek philosophers that the metaphysical dimension of atoms began to be talked about and planted.
There are more discoveries that offer new insights about time-space and, consequently, also about reality. On the whole, these discoveries phenomena result in the crumbling of the Newtonian world of certainty and determinism.
I belabored myself of explaining the historical development of quantum science because of the discoveries about the nature and dynamics of our Cosmos and reality that surfaced as quantum discoveries progressed.
Turned upside down, the world in the quantum view becomes a world of illusion, probabilities, opposites, continuing process of creation and annihilation, uncertainty, complementarity, interconnectivity, and of beings in a continuing process of becoming. We have come to learn of a new world that: (1) no longer distinguishes the subjective from the objective realm; (2) demonstrates the interrelatedness and interconnectivity of everything and everyone in the entire cosmic system; (3) gives importance and significance to the role of the conscious observer in creating present and future realities; (4) abandons the age of certainty and determinism; (5) is continually in a cyclical process of creation and annihilation; (6) lays down, as a result, only infinite possibilities and opportunities the realization of which is dependent on the exercise of the human mind and free will; (7) views the quantum world as also metaphysical in view of the intervention of the observer’s mind and free will and the transformative effect it bears on reality; and, finally, (8) opens a new dimension of life and existence that goes beyond the Newtonian’s solely physical realm.
Between the microscopic and macroscopic worlds is the mesocosmic world, which on Planet Earth constitutes the atmosphere that houses all the basic ingredients needed for the appearance of life, namely: air, fire, earth, and water.
Our Glorious and Resplendent Solar System
July 31, 2018
1. Let us learn from the behavior of our Solar System from the teachings of science, religion, myths, and legends.
2. Let us learn how the planets, moons, and stars influence our thoughts, and our feelings, as well as in our dealings with Nature and each other from a multidisciplinary perspective.
3. Let us learn how their influences can be very enslaving and constricting to us humans if we always remain unconscious of our deeper role and mission in life.
4. Knowing our Solar System is especially important now that NASA scientists and the world's major countries are on their way to colonizing the Moon, the Red Planet (Mars), and beyond.
5. The Solar System is where our future awaits. If science will be successful in transporting humanity into space, then, it will be on the planets of the various constellations out there that we will be fulfilling the role and mission set for each one of us even before the beginning of space, time, matter, and energy.
6. It is important then that while on this Planet Earth, we need to examine for ourselves what this role and mission is in relation to our family, place of work, and community as well as in relation to our involvement in society, politics, government, business, education, social media, even in Church communities.
A. Science, Religion, Myths, and Legends Speak
1. About 4.6 billion years ago, a vast, swirling cloud of gas and dust, known as the solar nebula gave birth to our solar system, complete with 9 planets (I include Pluto), 181 moons, and countless asteroids.
2. Scientists tell us that it must have taken place within a period of 100 million years for the planets to appear and when they finally appeared they exhibited differing mass, weight, and velocity.
3. Science considers Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter as giant planets, while Mars, Venus, and Earth are grouped as rocky or terrestrial planets. All these planets are kept in their respective stations by the force of gravity.
4. Very recently, scientists have discovered, for the first time, another massive object entering our Solar System. Calling it Planet X (as nothing is still practically known about it), they are not sure whether or not it is a member of our system. If proven to be part of us, it could be the 10th planet.
B. Our Solar System
1. Sun – the center around which all the planets in our Solar System revolve. It holds 99.8 percent of the solar system's mass and is roughly 109 times the diameter of the Earth; about one million Earths could fit inside the Sun.
At its core, its temperature is more than 27 million F (15 million C). Born about 4.6 billion years ago, it is personified in many mythologies: the Greeks called it Hemera Heli(o)u or "day of the sun".
The Romans called it Dies Solis or "day of the sun". Thus, the term Sunday.
In the ancient Sumerian legend, it is referred to as “Apsu, or the one who existed from the beginning”.
2. Mercury - the smallest, shortest, and innermost planet in the Solar System that orbits around the Sun for 87.97 Earth days.
In Roman mythology, Mercury is the god of commerce, travel, thievery, eloquence, and science.
Mercury is the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger and herald of the other gods. Hermes is the Greek god of commerce, invention, cunning, and theft. He serves as patron of travelers and rogues, and as the conductor of the dead to Hades.
In Middle English, Mercury means Wodnesday, Wednesdai from the Old English wodnesdæg "Woden's day". Thus, the term Wednesday.
3. Venus – the second planet from the Sun, orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days and has the longest rotation period (243 days); it rotates in the opposite direction to most other planets (meaning the Sun would rise in the west and set in the east).
It is named after the Roman goddess Venus and is regarded as a symbol of love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity, and victory.
Venus is also identified with Frigg, the Norse goddess of love and the heavens and the wife of Odin. She is confused in Germany with Freya.
In the Old English frigedæg is a contraction for "Frigg" + dæg "day" or Friday. In Middle English, it is Fridai. Thus the name Friday.
In the ancient Sumerian legend, it is referred to as the “lady of battles”.
4. Earth – considered by scientists as the only planet that supports life and is the largest of the terrestrial planets.
Formed around 4.7 billion years ago, Earth is believed to have been formed as a result of a massive impact collision with a giant body.
Earth is the only planet not named after a Greek or Roman deity.
In the ancient Sumerian story of creation, it is referred to as “Tiamat, the maiden who gave life”. Legend has it that when Nibiru was on its way to orbit the Sun, one of its satellites collided with Tiamat tearing it into two pieces.
The bigger piece formed our present Earth and the smaller one, our Moon. The collision produced several other pieces, lesser in size but now formed part of the celestial bodies, consisting of comets, meteors, and asteroids, the latter two located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
5. Moon – an astronomical body that orbits planet Earth and is Earth's only permanent natural satellite. It is the fifth-largest natural satellite in the Solar System.
Using many different forms of symbolism, the Moon itself has become a symbol of love, desire, change, passion, fertility, and violence.
In Old English, its day is referred to as Mōnandæg ‘day of the moon'. Its Latin equivalent is 'lunae dies', while in Dutch, it is Maandag, and in German Montag.
In the ancient Sumerian legend, it is referred to as “Kingu, the first-born among the gods who formed the assembly”.
6. Mars – the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System after Mercury. In English, Mars carries the name of the Roman god of war, also referred to as the ‘Red Planet’.
In Latin, it is referred to as Dies Martis or "day of Mars". In Middle English, it is Tiwesday or Tewesday, from the Old English tiwesdæg "Tiw's (Tiu's) day". Thus the origin of the term Tuesday.
Mars is the Roman god of war and the sky. In the ancient Sumerian legend, it is referred to as Lahumu, the "deity of war” and “Counsellor and Emissary of Apsu”;
7. Jupiter – the largest planet in our solar system, and is known for its many moons, its dangerous radiation belt, and its iconic Great Red Spot. Also known as Jove, it is the god of the sky and thunder and the king of the gods in ancient Roman religion and mythology.
Jupiter is named after Thor, the hammer-wielding Norse god of thunder. Thursday means Thor’s Day in Old English.
In the ancient Sumerian legend, it is referred to as “Kishar, the foremost of firm lands”.
8. Saturn – the sixth planet from the sun and the second largest planet in the solar system. Saturn is also the root of the Old English word sæterdæg, sæternesdæg, literally "day of the planet Saturn".
Saturn is the Roman name for Cronus, the lord of the Titans in Greek mythology. It represents a god in ancient Roman religion, and a character in myth as a god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal, and liberation.
In later developments, he also came to be a god of time. In the ancient Sumerian legend, it is referred to as “Anshar, the foremost of the heavens”.
9. Uranus – the seventh planet from the Sun with the third largest diameter in our solar system; It smells like rotten eggs, is composed of hydrogen sulfide, and odiferous gas, and is very cold and windy. Its name is derived from the Greek god of the sky.
Uranus in Ancient Greek means "sky" or "heaven", the primal Greek god personifying the sky and one of the Greek primordial deities. Uranus is associated with the Roman god Caelus.
In Ancient Greek literature, Uranus, or Father Sky was the son and husband of Gaia, Mother Earth. Uranus and Gaia were the parents of the first generation of Titans, and the ancestors of most of the Greek gods.
In the ancient Sumerian legend, it is referred to as “Anu, he of the heavens”.
10. Neptune – the farthest planet from the sun, has 13 moons and is normally considered an ice giant. Its name came from the Greek and Roman mythologies, “Neptune”, the Roman god of the sea, probably because of its color.
In the ancient Sumerian legend, it is referred to as “Nudimmud (Ea/Enki), the artful creator”.
11. Pluto – the largest known dwarf planet in the solar system and has five moons. It has a highly elliptical orbit and is believed to be located somewhere within the Kuiper Belt, a vast rim of primordial debris encircling our solar system.
It gets its name from the Roman god of the underworld Hades. In the ancient Sumerian legend, it is referred to as “Gaga, the Counsellor and Emissary of Anshar.”
12. Planet X – estimated by astronomers to be roughly four times the size of the Earth and is known to be approaching our planet. Also called Planet X, science tells us that it takes this Planet between 10,000 and 20,000 Earth years to make one full orbit around the Sun.
In the ancient Sumerian legend, it is referred to as Planet Nibiru known to be inhabited by an alien race called the Anunnaki (or "Those Who from Heaven Came"), who are referred to in the Hebrew Bible as the giants or Nephilim because of their height and stature.
C. Behavior of Our Celestial Bodies
1. Like us, the above celestial bodies have their strengths and weaknesses. At one time, they would exhibit their majesty and grandeur, projecting tranquility, love, and harmony with their neighboring planets.
2. At another time, they can be full of hate and can be violent, abrasive, and combative, as if jolted by a sudden attack of some more powerful, invisible, dark forces from behind that also affect every other celestial object in our Solar System.
3. I am not sure now whether they are affected by our personality and behavior or if we are influenced by theirs. I just feel that we exhibit the same personalities as them. This is understandable because we could be following the same cosmic law.
4. But the Cosmic Forces are also benevolent. For they allow the planets to retrograde temporarily, that is, take a step backward for some refueling. This reminds me of a Chinese saying, which runs, if I may reword: "Two steps forward and one step backward."
5. This short and temporary retrograde motion of the planets allows us humans some precious time for personal reflection, introspection, and meditation in order to reenergize ourselves, bring back the proper balance and equilibrium so we can synchronize our movements of love and harmony with our other cosmic kindred in the system, in a more renewed vigor and agility.
6. It is this renewed energy that is able to receive signals from some mysterious force, telling us that somewhere, some time out there in space, something incredible and perhaps enthralling and enchanted, is still waiting to be known.
7. And it is this invitation to the unknown that propels scientists today to keep on exploring beyond our Solar System.
8. Following the path of science, my cosmic friends can't just wait for the approaching Planet X or Nibiru to arrive. We will leave it to NASA to prepare the grounds for its coming and to welcome the inhabitants when they finally arrive.
9. In the meantime, the Churches can prepare for the coming days ahead for they will be very busy conducting catechetical and pastoral ministries and eventual mass baptisms for the extraterrestrials.