Poll Surveys
Poll surveys are conducted here to nourish and sustain knowledge with the view of attaining enlightenment and self-awareness as well as expanding our consciousness of the entire creation.
Our present civilization is not the first dynamic and vibrant one. There were already civilizations that were billions or tens of billions of years old, even more advanced and intelligent than ours.
I agree (30)
I don't know (29)
I disagree (28)
Total votes: 87
All civilizations before us collapsed: Sumerian, Mayan, Egyptian, Roman, etc. Our present civilizations too (American, European, Russian, Chinese, British, African, etc.) will disappear and vanish, never to resurrect.
I agree (27)
I don't know (31)
I disagree (25)
Total votes: 83
The human species is just one conscious intelligent living species, one of the many civilizations that are living on this Planet Earth. We are not to rule and lord over, much less subjugate other species living with us.
I agree (31)
I don't know (27)
I disagree (30)
Total votes: 88
There is an Intelligence that animates us and our living universe. It is so mysterious that our finite minds grapple to grasp it. Naming it God, Allah, Yahweh, Krishna, Dao, Jesus, or laws of physics only confuses us. It has no name and label.
I agree (30)
I don't know (28)
I disagree (27)
Total votes: 85
We don't love our neighbors if we don't love the animals, plants, trees, forests, stones, rivers, caves, volcanoes, oceans, air, fire, earth, water. In the end, we don't love the Intelligent Source also.
I agree (32)
I don't know (23)
I disagree (28)
Total votes: 83