Duality and Diversity
The Dual Nature of Atoms
What do we mean by dual nature of matter?nThe term “dual nature of matter” is basically the study of different nature that a matter possesses or exhibits. A matter can either display or have a particle nature or wave nature, also called “wave-particle duality of matter.” The wave associated with matter is called matter-wave. A matter can either display or have a particle nature or wave nature.
Various experiments have further been conducted to prove this theory. Initially, quantum physicists explain this dual nature and properties using Light as an example because it shows this dual nature also (matter as photons and wave as energy).Light as a wave creates an interference pattern, similar to a ripple when a stone is dropped in the pond. When 2 or more stones are dropped, they interfere with each other and merge to produce one new interference pattern. Light as a particle—like a ball, sand, or marble, for example—would go through one slit or the other but not both, producing no interference (also called diffraction). Simply put and applied to quantum physics: “In its original state, i.e., unobserved and uninterrupted, a subatomic particle is non-localized. It is here, there, or anywhere, at any particular period in time. The observer cannot pinpoint its exact location. It could be anywhere.
Light as a wave and as a particle behaves differently. Light as a wave creates an interference pattern, similar to a ripple when a stone is dropped in the pond.
Light as a particle—like a ball, sand, or marble, for example—would go through one slit or the other but not both, producing no interference (also called diffraction).
What do we mean by the term “interference pattern?”
The dictionaries define “interference” to mean:
"intermingle or mix (different things), interpose," also
"to exchange blows, strike each other,” (Old French)
"to strike"
"to knock, strike" related to Latin forare
"to bore, pierce" from Latin ferire
In physics, it is commonly described in the dual nature of atom which is both particle and wave. The behavior of particles and waves differ differently. How? This can be explained by using diagrams known generally as the standard Double-Slit Experiment.
Duality is in us; We can't escape it.
December 19, 2022
While we're still in this world, we're always entangled with both order and chaos, peace and violence, love and hate, happiness and suffering, agony and ecstacy, bliss and misery.
Yes, inside us, there’s this duality that is out to compete with each other for power and dominance. We can neither ignore nor escape from this duality. And whoever wins will dominate our ways of thinking, feeling, and action.
But there's also something innate in us that is able to transcend this duality. When this transcendent being takes over, there's only unity, oneness, and interconnectedness.
In this state of undivided and unbroken wholeness, there are no subjects and objects, no forms and structures, no 'I" and "Thou", no "something" and no "nothing," no "emptiness" and no "fullness," no "alpha" and no "omega," no "observation" and no "manipulation," no "intentions" and no "expectations," no "visions' and no "planning," no "programs" and no "implementation."
Or, as quantum physics discovers, there are no observers and observed because the two are so intertwined that the distinction between them totally disappears.
This insider view of oneness and interconnectedness is the only key that can open a new world where we humans and all living beings are able to survive and prosper as one collective species. For it's only in this manner that we can become more loving and compassionate with each other.
Duality and Diversity
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D. – December 13,2021
Outside, there's diversity, there’s polarity, there’s duality, out to compete with each other for power and dominance. As always, the people, the innocent, the good-hearted are caught in the crossfire. And this is practically the kind of world we are living in today. We live in a world of plurality and multiplicity that is highly competitive and ruthless.
This divisive kind of world compartmentalizes people into this and that such as Democrats and Republicans, Nationalists and Liberals, Communists and Capitalists, Christians and non-Christians, Jews and Arabs, theists and atheists, black and white, male and female, young and old, rich and poor, civilized and uncivilized.
We can be aggravating this fiercely uncompassionate world if we stubbornly hold on to the dictum that we are unique, distinct, and different from others: "I am not one with them." In this case, we practically separate ourselves from others.
A holier-than-thou attitude? This could be an inevitable consequence. If this becomes the dominant view in society, we segregate people in terms of their beliefs and affiliations.
The obstacles to personal growth and social transformation will remain as long as this isolationist mode of thinking prevails in our mind. But what can we do?
There's nothing much we can do at the moment. We don't have other alternatives yet available to us. This is our only world. And we are forced to associate and mingle with people and institutions outside if we are to survive, and meeting them requires some protocols.
The only way we can go around this tricky world is to go inside us. When communing with ourselves in solitude and silence, there's only awareness and consciousness. In this state, there's no class distinction, no religious affiliation, no political affiliation, no racial discrimination, no gender differentiation, no ideological compartmentalization.
It is when we are in this inner state of our being and essence that separation becomes union, diversity becomes unity, isolation becomes socialization, islands become archipelagos and continents, borders become limitless horizons, time becomes timeless. Inside us, there's only one; the two and the many become one. We become one. And this inner world of oneness becomes projected to the outside world.
Outside this, everything is a delusion. Albert Einstein described this as follows: "This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
Quantum physics say that inside each one of us, the observer and the observed become so intertwined that there is no more distinction between the two. Inside us, the two and the many become one and the same. This insider view of oneness, interrelatedness, and interconnectedness might be the only key that can open a new world where we humans and all creatures are interdependent, able to survive and prosper only if we become more compassionate with each other.
As Philosopher Albert Camus said: "In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm."
The World of Duality and Oneness
December 13, 2021
Outside, there's diversity, there’s polarity, there’s duality, out to compete with each other for power and dominance. As always, the people, the innocent, the good-hearted are caught in the crossfire. And this is practically the kind of world we are living in today. We live in a world of plurality and multiplicity that is highly competitive and ruthless.
This divisive kind of world compartmentalizes people into this and that such as Democrats and Republicans, Nationalists and Liberals, Communists and Capitalists, Christians and non-Christians, Jews and Arabs, theists and atheists, black and white, male and female, young and old, rich and poor, civilized and uncivilized.
We can be aggravating this fiercely uncompassionate world if we stubbornly hold on to the dictum that we are unique, distinct, and different from others: "I am not one with them." In this case, we practically separate ourselves from others.
A holier-than-thou attitude? This could be an inevitable consequence. If this becomes the dominant view in society, we segregate people in terms of their beliefs and affiliations.
The obstacles to personal growth and social transformation will remain as long as this isolationist mode of thinking prevails in our mind. But what can we do?
There's nothing much we can do at the moment. We don't have other alternatives yet available to us. This is our only world. And we are forced to associate and mingle with people and institutions outside if we are to survive, and meeting them requires some protocols.
The only way we can go around this tricky world is to go inside us. When communing with ourselves in solitude and silence, there's only awareness and consciousness. In this state, there's no class distinction, no religious affiliation, no political affiliation, no racial discrimination, no gender differentiation, no ideological compartmentalization.
It is when we are in this inner state of our being and essence that separation becomes union, diversity becomes unity, isolation becomes socialization, islands become archipelagos and continents, borders become limitless horizons, time becomes timeless. Inside us, there's only one; the two and the many become one. We become one. And this inner world of oneness becomes projected to the outside world.
Outside this, everything is a delusion. Albert Einstein described this as follows: "This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
Quantum physics says that inside each one of us, the observer and the observed become so intertwined that there is no more distinction between the two. Inside us, the two and the many become one and the same. This insider view of oneness, interrelatedness, and interconnectedness might be the only key that can open a new world where we humans and all creatures are interdependent, able to survive and prosper only if we become more compassionate with each other.
As Philosopher Albert Camus said: "In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm."